Barcode Labels: Best Compatible Labels On The Internet! - Zolemba

Barcode labels


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At Zolemba we offer different labels that can be used as barcode labels. These barcode labels can be used in your label printer. You can print your barcode on the stickers with your own printer. Barcode stickers do not have a universal size but can be printed in the size that you prefer.

What is a barcode?

A barcode is a translation from numbers and letters to stripes. The stripes have to be scanned with a barcode scanner to decode them. Barcode labels can be used for warehouse labelling, product labelling or other applications.

Barcode Sticker Applications

Possible applications are:

  • In your warehouse
  • On machines
  • On your product
  • For your packaging

Preprinted Barcode Labels

At Zolemba you can also order preprinted barcode labels on a roll. You can choose for variable data printing in which elements can differ from label to label.
Do you want your logo to be preprinted on your barcode stickers? We can preprint your labels so that you only need to print the barcode on the labels. Zolemba can also make custom made stickers. If you have any questions about labels or label printers you can call our customer service +31 (0)53-7370160.

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