New: Shipping Labels on A4 Paper Sheets


After multiple requests from our customers, we are happy to introduce our new product to our label collection: Shipping Labels on A4 Paper Sheets!

Below we give a brief introduction to the application possibilities of this new product.

Suitable A4 Shipping Labels for All Courier/ Transport Services

Our new shipping labels have been designed to meet the standard dimensions per courier and/or transport service. We have developed two different types of shipping labels on A4 paper sheets that meet the standards for each courier/transport service.


Below you will find key specifications of our new A4 shipping labels.


Number of Labels per A4 Sheet
Size of Label Application per Courier Service
3 labels per sheet 98.5mm x 210mm DHL & Hermes
4 labels per sheet 105mm x 148mm Royal Mail, DPD, GLS, UPS, TNT & FedEx


Our A4 shipping labels also contain multiple labels on one A4 sheet, this allows the freedom to print multiple self-adhesive labels per A4 sheet. The labels on the A4 sheets have a permanent adhesive backing where the shipping label can stick securely to a parcel or surface for successful shipping.


Why A4 Shipping Labels May Apply to You
Our A4 shipping labels are suitable for all Inkjet printers, laser printers, offset devices and copiers. We find that A4 shipping labels are ideal with our customers that have a lower volume of package shipments. This enables printing of the shipping labels with a normal printer rather than investing in an extra-label printer to print with shipping labels that are on a label roll.  Alternatively, we still recommend using shipping labels on roll when parcel shipments are a daily activity for you. This is because it provides a more advantageous and tactful user situation.

Nevertheless, our new A4 shipping labels have been specially developed for our customers with a low volume of parcel shipments. A4 shipping labels can be considered as a cost-efficient solution.



Come Check Out Our New A4 Shipping Labels
We of Zolemba will gladly help you with an efficient implementation of your business processes! We guarantee our A4 shipping labels with the same quality as our shipping labels that are on a label roll. These labels are a great economical printing alternative when printing normal printer. Feel free to check out our website for these suitable A4 shipping labels.

Need assistance? Our customer service is available from Monday - Friday to assist you with any questions that come along the way.

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