An Energetic Evening After An Electricity-Free Day

Last Thursday we had arrived to Zolemba without electricity due to an unfortunate fire in the neighbouring company across the street. On the positive side, this enabled us to test and implement our emergency plans correspondingly. Being literally in the dark were able to approach and execute our daily activities in a creative way. Workstations were assembled at various nearby locations for our customer service and marketing departments so they could continue to be reachable and in contact for our customers. As a result of this power outage, our packaging and production department lines were both shut down from 7:30 AM up until 8:45 PM.

An Energetic Evening After An Electricity-Free Day


The Zolemba Team Generated Their Own Energy!

Zolemba does everything possible to process, package and ship orders quickly and efficiently. Even without electricity, the team did everything it could to get this done! In anticipation of power, the entire Zolemba team stayed and still celebrated their holiday party together as originally planned. Despite everything, it was an innovative evening in the dark.


At 8:45 PM Zolemba was connected to the power network again. All of the sleeves of the entire team were rolled up and ready to get back on track! Together the orders were processed, packed and prepared for shipment. All packages were ready on time and all orders were delivered as scheduled!


A group of people together doesn’t mean it’s automatically a team, but after another proud achievement like last Thursday, it can be said that Zolemba is definitely a team!

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