Dymo Labels: Cheaper & more environmentally friendly

Customers of Zolemba have not only been saving in big costs but simultaneously are also being eco-friendly while doing so! In comparison to the original branded labels out there, this fact is of significant influence.

Zolemba proudly supports the FSC quality mark on their products, unlike the original Dymo label alternative. Zolemba, along with its customers, contributes to a better environment by choosing FSC paper materials. By supporting sustainable forestry, deforestation and over-cropping are prevented. All departments work closely together to improve environmentally friendly outcomes. In addition to the choice of FSC paper, paperless efforts are made daily in the offices and shipments are efficiently packed by their innovative packing machine. With this machine, cardboard use is minimized by accurate packaging technology to ensure the conservation of paper and equally improving a more secure, efficient transport.

Environmentally Friendly FSC Labels from Zolemba

Sustainable production is of paramount importance at Zolemba. Paper is the most important raw material used in the production of labels. Zolemba works with FSC-certified suppliers and as a result, the paper that is used will always be of FSC certification.


By using FSC quality paper, Zolemba reduces the impact that production and processing create on the environment. The FSC quality mark indicates that the paper is sourced and made from wood that comes from responsible well-managed forests. In terms of Forest Stewardship Council certification, forests, natural resources, social aspects and economic interests are balanced. Zolemba proudly welcomes this step towards an environmentally friendly organisation.




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